Book review : A second cup of tea

1 min read

A Second Cup of Tea.

Hello bees,
What are your sentiments, when you think of a steaming, hot cup of tea on a rainy muggy monsoon day?
Warmth, solace, peace and comfort.
This is exactly what this anthology represents.
A kindle eBook with 22 short (and sweet) stories, this is a perfect ‘me time read’ as you sit by your balcony, with a plate of hot pakoras and a cup of steaming ginger tea hearing raindrops lash against your window.
This book has stories in each genre – there is a poignant search for your roots, another is a story rooted in a well known mythological tale, a magical tea brew, an English comedy, a trip to ancient Egypt, another story that will take you to the beauty that is Kashmir and the tragedy that land is cursed with, a funny anecdote about the forgotten anniversary, a well written Bengali love story, a tale about fresh beginnings and my personal favorite ‘A good day’ by Sheerin Shahab. This is among other wonderful stories that make up this anthology.
Pick this book on a lazy day and enjoy it it by bit, with your favorite blend of tea (or coffee). I am sure you won’t be disappointed.
Disclosure : One of my stories is a part of the anthology.

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